Meaning of (चरम सीमा) charam sima in english

As noun : the utmost Ex:  Talking heart to heart, Talking with the utmost frankness, without reservation
height Ex:  At the height of the Turkish-Persian wars crescendo the uttermost extremity Ex:  It was not enough to live on, it is reduced to the end, to the last extremity
Other : perfection Ex:  " Aiming at rhetorical perfection ultimate limit: climax extreme Ex:  Mustard gas was a source of extreme dread. zenith Ex:  The zenith was reached with the formation of a Serbian Empire in 1346 peack
Suggested : of a character or kind farthest removed from the ordinary or average the state or quality of being or becoming perfect the extreme or terminal point, limit, or part of something Music
a gradual, steady increase in loudness or force extent or distance upward
Exampleचरम सीमा का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of चरम सीमा:
1. अंबाला के सांसद रतनलाल कटारिया ने कहा कि पूर्व की यूपीए सरकार के कार्यकाल में भ्रष्टाचार चरम सीमा पर थाamarujala.com2. यूपीए सरकार में भ्रष्टाचार चरम सीमा पर था : कटारिया
(चरम सीमा) charam sima can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. Transliteration : charama siimaa

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